Friday, August 3, 2012

T-minus 11 días!

While sitting at my sister's (second) white coat ceremony this morning, I realized that she's been doing a much better job than me at many things in life, one of these being updating her blog... although trust me this is one of many.
So congrats on your return to med school Ally!!
But after the small rivalry between UofM and MSU in the car this morning, I guess it's my time to step it up!

So here goes nothing.
Yes, that's right, only 11 days left until my spanish boyfriend makes his first trip to the US!!  After months of (semi) patiently waiting I am ecstatic and yet also pretty nervous about his arrival.  Reason number one, if you know my family you will know that everyone is always on the run and the status of the cleanliness of our house does not give you reason to believe otherwise.  Therefore I will be taking on the role of cleaning, obsessive-compulsive house mom to whip this place into shape so it looks a bit more inviting.
I have also been trying to plan out an itinerary in which I can show him everything I love about the US and cram it all into two weeks.  However, his level-headed spaniard mindset always calms me down, as he said "Tranquila, yo solo quiero pasar tiempo contigo y podemos hacer lo que nos apetezca cualquier día."  Calm down, I just want to spend time with you and we can do whatever we like any day.  That was a lot of pressure off my shoulders.  Have I mentioned how awesome he is?

So now, thanks to my incredible father, we have just recently added a quick trip to Chicago to our itinerary!  I'm really excited to be able to show him one of the big American cities with sky scrapers and busy streets that he's only seen in movies and on tv.

until next time!

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