Monday, September 5, 2011


Hola todos [Hello everyone]!!
Today I had my semi-first day of school-- a placement exam to test our level of Spanish knowledge and fluency!  I wasn't worried about this and feel that I did pretty well.  After that about 5 others and I decided to wander through the city to try to find El Mercado Central [the central market] that is the biggest fresh market in the city.  We got very close to it but decided to do some shopping instead bc the market's not really big until the weekend.  (Don't worry though dad-- I only bought ONE thing- jeans, on sale 60%    =D  , thought that would make you proud.)
Actually that's been one of my main concerns, is not to spend too much money.  Every time you see a price here you almost forget to convert it into dollars, which can be very costly.  I'm trying to be very aware of this and not get too carried away with my shopping.  There are many stores on blocks as you walk in any direction in the city.  These tend to be great bargains gangas, and I've already decided to shop there rather than expensive malls.  Really though, shopping is not too high on my list of things to do.  The city is so vibrant and alive I'd rather walk around or meet up with friends than spend my time enclosed in stores.
That brings me to the weather-- PERFECTO!  I couldn't ask for better weather.  It's usually around 80-90s during the days, and cool and breezy really early in the morning and late at night.  It never feels unbearably hot though because a cool breeze always seems to arrive at the right time.

School starts for me tomorrow and I'm actually really excited!!  (Although for those of you that know me, I don't think you're very surprised at this knowing my love for Spanish).  I have Composition, Business Spanish, Translation from Spanish to English, Literature & Cinema, and Spanish Culture & Civilization.  I only need 4 Spanish classes to complete my minor, but I think I may end up taking all 5 that I'm in right now just because I can't even decide which one to drop-- I'm looking forward to all of them!
The school atmosphere is also really great, I think it  helps a lot that most of the students have been spending a lot of time together outside of school.  I don't think I've ever been this social in my life =)

The home-cooked, natural, daily meals are also an amazing part of this experience.  I don't think I've ever had this many consistently cooked meals in my life.  Mi madre actually told me that I don't have to say gracias for each meal, but I am honestly thankful for each one.  I don't think she realizes how much of a luxury this is for me.
I know this may be a little boring-- but I figured it would be interesting to say what they have for normal meals here, because it is very different from that in the US.
Breakfast-- 8am sometime before I leave for the day/school is coffee and a small pan dulce, a sweet bread.
The next meal isn't until 2pm, which sounds like a very long time but is actually bearable because you stay so busy you don't have much time to think about hunger.
I usually will come home to my casa for lunch to eat with my madre.  She'll either make a lentil soup, paella (Spanish Valencian rice dish), or some type of meat or vegetable combination, accompanied by a salad.  Also, after lunch and dinner are finished I'm always offered a fruit.  Fruit is more of a dessert here, but my madre reassured me that people also eat them at random times throughout the day as well.
Dinner is at 9pm sharp.  I can come in from a long day around 8:50, sort myself out and organize my room, and will surely be called to the table to have a prompt dinner at 9.  I really like the structure of the meal times as it helps me to stay on track with my use of time.  Dinner is smaller than lunch, and is usually vegetables (potatoes, red peppers, maybe corn-- anything really), chicken or some type of meat, or maybe even a Spanish omelet (Thick omelet with potatoes-- delish!).

Sorry to leave you hungry, but I'm going to join my madre, as I think I just heard her wake up from her siesta.
Hasta Luego!!

p.s. there's a school soccer team and we have out first game tomorrow, I can't wait!

Also- Jill-- my madre absolutely LOVED the bracelet you made her, thank you so much!!

oh, I almost forgot-- I wanted to leave you all with some pics!
here they are:
walking the streets of Valencia

Dan and me, on our way up to the Castle at Peñíscola.  He's also my neighbor and his directional and map-reading skills added to my Spanish skills almost make us a complete Spaniard. [Our madres are best friends, so naturally we have become besties too]

view from atop the castle at Peñíscola

me with some of my friends from the group!

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