Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My intercambio- Carlota!

I just got back from meeting up with my intercambio for the first official time.  She took me to an awesome lounge on the other side of Valencia where we sat comfortably in white couches around a nice bar while sipping a beer and getting to know each other.

Intercambios are offered through my university in which the school matches you up with a student at the University of Valencia according to your interests and hobbies.  You can meet up with them as often as you like, and during this time you're supposed to help them with their English while they help you improve your Spanish.

My intercambio's name is Carlota and she's 23.  She graduated from the University of Valencia in physical therapy and now works at a children's school one block away from my university and also practices physical therapy.  She's already invited me to go to Málaga in the south of Spain with her and some girlfriends for a weekend trip.  And also to join her and some friends at a Feria de Paella this Thursday by the City of Arts and Sciences.  She told me that Valencia always has some public event or Feria going on and will let me know when good ones are approaching.

Also, after telling her how much I loved the flamenco show she said we can probably go to a famous one here in Valencia in November or December, I'm really looking forward to this. She's a really nice girl and is very helpful with advice for places to go around the city, traveling plans, and it's really great to have a native friend to talk to about life. It's really great getting along with someone so easily, and I'm very happy that I was matched up with her.  In fact, I'm even thinking about applying to have another intercambio, as it's such a rewarding experience to make friends with real spaniards and opens up a new perspective into the city life.

Also, in the morning I'm going to the University of Valencia to have an interview with 2 professors about my internship in translation!  I'm very excited and nervous for this, as the only information I was given is that I have to go to " la FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA Y CIENCIAS  DE LA INFORMACIÓN DE VALENCIA a conocer a vuestros tutores y establecer los horarios de la pr'actica para este semestre."
It will be in the faculty of philosophy and sciences, and I'll be meeting with my tutors and establish my internship schedule.  

Dad- dinner was artichoke, red peppers and fish, I almost felt like I was at home =)

And it was really great to finally skype with my sister today, I'm really happy to finally be able to catch up with her, I've definitely missed watching tv episodes with her till the middle of the night or some gold old G-LO, and just being able to relax with my family.

I'm going to try to post more often and keep my blogs shorter, so hopefully I'll be back soon.
But in the mean time, I have some history to read and a song to pick to present in my cultural conversations class in the morning.

Hasta luegooo!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your intercambio amiga Carlota is so awesome :) And I loved talking to you today too! Miss you, but I'm glad you're having such a great time.
