Tuesday, September 13, 2011

school, first soccer game


Where to begin..

is way harder than I expected.  All of the classes are an interesting and helpful environment, but the fact that EVERYTHING is in Spanish is a bit hard (especially on some of the other students with less experience).  I've already had 2 papers due and have 3 more assigned for the next couple of weeks.  Overall though, this is not a bad thing due to the fact that I really do love the material in each class and am learning so much more than I would in a Spanish class in the US.  Constant speaking of Spanish is really paying off, and everyone has mentioned that they are feeling more comfortable with the language-- both understanding and having to conjugate verbs faster when they speak.  It also helps that spaniards are patient with us and helpful with directions and finishing our sentences for us when they understand what we are trying to say.

Things were a little shaky with my madre for a little.  Mainly because of the cultural differences that I wasn't used to.  Por ejemplo (for example), I arrived home one night at 9:10 pm instead of 9 sharp and she was so mad she gave me half the amount of food I normally get for dinner and barely spoke a word to me.  I don't want to make her sound like a bad person, because she really is a sweet old lady, but that was my fault for arriving late (something that for me back home would have not been a problem at all).  It is taking patience and understanding for the both of us to work well together, but we've gotten over huge barriers already and are cruising on a smoother path for now.
My dad was a huge help in my understanding of my madre's perspective, as I was too overwhelmed with all of the cultural differences outside of the home to put a lot of thought into minor problems in my casita.  Thanks dad, as always, you help me to be a better person by understanding differences and develop a more positive outlook on life =)

The fashion and style here is simply incredible.  Every day is like walking through a fashion show.  (Ally you'd be very proud of me, as I've definitely improved my style).  NO ONE wears a plain t-shirt or soccer shirt outside, ever.  That is basically one of the numerous clues as to your nationality (AKA American).  However, I have to admit that everyone in my program caught on very quickly and we've all developed a European style =).

The weather is simply incredible.  I don't understand how a city can have constant perfect weather, but I am enjoying every second of it.  I am convinced that the weather directly affects my mood [exhibit #1- Michigan's 4 months of gray days-- almost no sun = a very unmotivated and lazy Meghan].  Needless to say, I am constantly outside-- either riding the infamous Valenbisi bikes (I am now an addict, deemed so by my close group of friends here), walking with friends around the city, or just sitting at an outside cafe enjoying some café con leche.

I have my first soccer game today with a team of students from my university, I can't wait!  It's been too long since I've played soccer (about 2 weeks haha, but you get the point).  I'll let you all know how it goes, I have to leave soon because I have to bike there.

I've been trying to upload some pics but my internet here is ridiculously slow.  I'll add some pics when I have some more time.  (one of them is me on a valenbisi bike-- had to do it).

I hope everything's going well with all of you!!
Paz y amor peace & love

1 comment:

  1. Can you please, please, please start taking pictures of the fashion on the streets? And then sending me ALL the pictures? I need to be prepared.

    Just say no to oversized old soccer shirts! I am proud of you :)
