Thursday, October 13, 2011


3 days in Sicily is not nearly enough time to fully enjoy it's beauty.  However, we managed to see a small portion of the western side of the island.  A tip to anyone planning on traveling to Sicily: rent a car, it is definitely the best and most efficient way to see everything.  We of course did not have a car, so we learned the train system very fast, and managed to get deals on taxis through our hotel.
First up: our hotel: Triscinamare- was amazing.  Jackie and I have been used to living in small rooms for the past month with no real common area, nonetheless the ability to hang out with our friends comfortably (we're not allowed to have our friends from the program over to each other's houses- so we resort to seeing each other at school and meeting up for café or gelato).  Our room had more than enough room, and we were delighted to find that it even had a kitchen!  We cooked all of our meals but 1, and managed to save a lot of money this way.  We're no Betty Crocker's, but we managed to survive.

This was the view from our balcony:

We explored the nearby city of Castelvetrano one night:

The next day we made some traveling plans and further explored the hotel and nearby areas (AKA the beach).  Although it was much colder than we (and google, AND had predicted, we worked with the few outfits that we crammed into our small suitcases and managed to layer some summer clothes we'd brought, as well as overuse our 2 pairs of pants (among many more shorts that remained neatly folded).
scenery as we made the short walk to the beach

The Mediterranean 

Later, we took a train to Mazara del Vallo, one of the stops along the route to Marsala (which we planned to visit the following day).  Due to our car-less situation, we attempted to visit the nearest city with the most historical monuments and tourist attractions... hence our visit to Mazara del Vallo.

Italian is so beautiful.  I loved listening to the natives sing through their conversations.
(Ciao Bella)

A must- the infamous scooter

We walked through the entire city and arrived at the port on the other side.

I've reached my picture limit on this post, so will continue the rest of this day and the following day in Erice on the next post.


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