Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Huelga mañana! (Strike tomorrow!)

Mañana hay una huelga general.  Mi madre española me lo estaba explicando porque yo nunca he visto una cosa así.  Le pregunté por qué iba a pasar ahora y me dijo porque los derechos tienen el poder (jaja), pues dijo que no había ocurrido una huelga por los últimos ocho años porque durante todo ese tiempo los izquierdas han tenido el poder.  Pues llegó un tiempo en que casí hubo una huelga pero no fue total como va haber mañana.  Aparentamente mañana todos los trabajos, servicios, y transporte se van a cerrar por toda España.  Los sindicatos estan en carga de esta huelga, y van haber piquetes por la ciudad.  Mi madre española me explicó que estes piquetes no intentan de resolver las cosas de una manera pacificante, y de otras palabras se pueden pegar a la gente si intentan de ir a los trabajos y hacer que las cosas funcionan.
here is a link to the Guardian's liveblog which provides updates from Spain's general strike

Tomorrow there is a general strike all across Spain.  My Spanish madre was explaining the concept to me because I have never experienced anything like this.  I asked her why this was going to happen and she told me because the rights now have the power haha.  She mentioned that a strike such as this hasn't happened for the past eight years because the lefts had power during that time.  There was a time when there was a semi-strike, but never a total one such as the one scheduled to occur tomorrow.
The one she was referring to was during September 2010 during the socialist administration of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
So apparently tomorrow all of the jobs, services, and transportation are going to stop all throughout Spain.
The labor unions are in charge of coordinating the strike, and tomorrow there will be picketers all around. My madre explained to me that these picketers do not try to resolve matters in a peaceful way, and in other words have been known to hit people that try to go to their jobs and make things go smoothly.
Then she told me to buy everything I had to buy today and left it at that.
I'm just glad that I'm living with a Spanish family that can explain basic things like this to me.
My school has sent us a warning email, but I have never experienced anything such as this, so it will be interesting.  Also, most of the university students don't have school either, so apparently there are a lot of parties tonight.  My school, however, will stay open and classes will continue for me.
I am interested to find out how this is going to be!
But in the mean time, I still have some overdue posts about fallas
and I'm going out to study with my friend Susie in the rio because it's such a sunny day so I'll get to all that later.

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