Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tutoring Nacho!

My interview went really well!  I hopped on the metro and got there with almost no problems (missed the street only once).  I met with the madre and we briefly chatted about my expected duties and she told me a little about her son Nacho.  He's 12 years old and attends a Britannic school, so he already knows English, he just needs to work on his pronunciation and practice more often.
He has an 18 year old brother who attends the Universidad Católica de Valencia (a more expensive private university), and has a 21 year old sister who attends college in Madrid.
The mom was very nice and said my Spanish was great.  I'm going back tomorrow to officially meet Nacho and will start working on his homework with him, reading stories in English, and just generally speaking with him in English.  This works out great for me because they live only a couple blocks away from my school, which is pretty far from where i live (a 45 min walk, 25 min bike, 30 min bus).

I'll potentially meet with him twice a week for a couple hours, maybe 3 times- depending on my work load and traveling schedule.  Either way, I'll be getting paid for my time spent there, and the madre even mentioned that I can stay longer after I finish working with Nacho because she already likes me and said she'll help me even more with my Spanish!

Adios chicos, I'm off to meet up with Jackie to run the rio [river] with her!
Hasta luego!