Thursday, October 6, 2011


Every day I spend a great amount of time interacting with and passing people from all different ethnicities, who speak with a wide range of accents, and have their own customs and traditions.  There are reasons behind each person's perception of the world and their behavior (or we only hope there is).  Instead of negatively analyzing each person that is different from yourself, try to learn a little about them and where they come from-- maybe then you would begin to understand why they are the way they are.

To each his own.

Just a serious thought that's been rambling through my head all day after walking through the streets of Valencia as a complete foreigner.

Anywho, today I turned in my project in Business Spanish and aced my quiz in Spanish History of the 20th Century!  After a week of hard work, tutoring, soccer, running, and constantly translating papers and reading materials with a minimum amount of sleep to tie it all together, break has finally arrived!!!

Jackie and I finalized and double checked all of our traveling plans after school today.  I could not be more excited!  After tutoring Nacho today at 6:15, and meeting with my intercambio Carlota at 7:30 to hear about her travels around Sicily, I will finally finish packing and collapse in my twin bed for a couple of hours.  
My traveling agenda starts bright and early tomorrow with a 7am bus to Barcelona!  There are about 25 other students from my program all meeting in Barcelona to go to Sensation, an awesome concert-sort thing.  We're all arriving on train, bus, and I think some are even flying.  After Sensation on Saturday night, we will all split up into smaller groups to travel all across Europe.
I'm getting more and more excited every second I spend thinking about it!  I've also been researching the history of my destinations and will play my vital role as a tourist as well =)

More updates to come


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