Sunday, November 6, 2011

(Not so) lazy Sunday

This weekend has been filled with catching up on my sleep, sorting out my school credits for the 2nd semester, getting a head-start on some projects, and walking around the city with friends.  (A more calm weekend than usual, as it's not jam-packed with travel plans or Valencian festivals or parties).

The weather is getting much colder (for Valencian standards).  It's dumbfounding to know that I was born and raised in below-freezing weather my entire life, and here with a little wind and rain, I am practically shivering to the bone.  (I even sleep with fleece socks on to keep my feet warm).
Everything is relative.  I've definitely gotten a little too used to the hot Valencian sun.  Although one difference that I do greatly appreciate is the actual presence of the sun, even if it is a cold and windy day.  (Michiganders know exactly what I'm talking about, with our months of never-ending gray sky).

This change of weather has brought a key fashion change: BOOTS!  Everyone wears leather boots- brown, black, crimson red, creamy white.

these too:

and even some military-style, thicker boots at well.

Basically, boots are everywhere.

and so are SCARVES!
Honestly, if you wear skinny jeans, boots, and a scarf- you'll fit in here perfectly (almost).
Throw on a jacket and you're good to go
(If you're really interested in the fashion here, search "zara boots"  or "zara scarves" in google, go to images, and basically every pic you see is what people look like here on a daily basis- it is a fashion show) 

Alright, that was my fashion section for the day, now back to real life:

Another exciting event happened last night: I was actually allowed to have my 3 close friends over to my host-apartment to watch a movie!  I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous and of no importance to everyone reading this from the US, but here in Spain, this is almost unheard of.  In the Spanish culture, the house is more of a respected and private environment.  It is practically a rule in our program that we are not allowed to ever bring anyone into our house, neither male or female.  In fact, this was one of the first rules that my previous host-madre had told me, I was not allowed to bring anyone into her house, ever, no friends at all.  If someone wanted to see me they had to wait downstairs outside the gate.  (oh yeah, another thing- every apartment building has outside gates, and the windows and doors all have sliding metal closures.)
But anywho, my 3 girlfriends and I were all so happy and surprised that my madre allowed us to lounge on the couches after dinner and watch Crazy Stupid Love on my laptop.  They even brought over oreos, chocolate, and some ice cream- it was just like a typical girl's night in the US.  Although we tried to superimpose our American culture in that little room, there was no denying how different and unusual it felt in Spain.

I'll leave you all with a great Washington Post article about Valencia:


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